Community Profile

Focus on Forsyth
Located at the intersection of US 51 and Interstate 72, and contiguous with Decatur, the Village of Forsyth has grown into the premier retail destination for the region. With a climate for national retailers and high-quality restaurants, businesses and people continue to invest into Forsyth. Low tax rates, a variety of available incentives, and high visibility provide for a substantial opportunity. The Village has a proven track record of businesses success and with new and ongoing developments, your business can be next to flourish here in Forsyth!
Forsyth Key Demographics
Forsyth sees over 40,000 vehicles pass through the community daily.
The Median Household Income is ~$94,800.
The Village serves a market size of over 120,000 people.
Forsyth sees over $78,029,032 in retail sales each year.
Top targeted retail industries (retail gaps):
Furniture - $15.4 Million
Clothing & Apparel - $20.1 Million
Sporting Good's - $9.8 Million
Food & Beverage - $9.2 Million
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