Available Incentives
Macon County Enterprise Zone
The Decatur & Macon County Enterprise Zone is administered by the Decatur Economic Development Corporation. The Enterprise Zone offers multiple state and local incentives. Designated Enterprise Zone Projects may be eligible for incentives from the state that are customized to meet the unique needs of the business, including tax credits related to employment activity. Projects may also include local property tax abatement.
Click this link to see if a property is included in the Enterprise Zone
To download a copy of the Enterprise Zone Process guide, click this link.
Sales Tax Exemptions
Sales tax exemptions on construction materials may be available for eligible projects located within the boundaries of the Enterprise Zone. Approval for the exemption is granted by the EDC Enterprise Zone Administrator after submission of the certification form below and documented construction material cost. All forms must be completed in full and must be accompanied by an approved building permit issued by the Village of Forsyth and payment of applicable fees.